
Inspire Software Maintenance Agreement

Inspire is the next generation inspection software for all portable probing and scanning devices. Inspire is a new software package that makes measurement simple and the complex possible. With one simple interface, Inspire works with any portable CMM arm or laser tracker for probing and scanning applications. Intuitive and easy to use, Inspire software is a comprehensive solution that makes measurement simple, saves time, and ultimately improves productivity.

Your initial purchase of Inspire includes one year of software maintenance, updates, and technical support. Afterwards, keeping your Software Maintenance Agreement up-to-date is essential for getting the most out of your investment in Inspire.


We highly recommend that you renew your Software Maintenance Agreement on an annual basis to make full use out of the following:



For information about updating your Software Maintenance Agreement, please email us.





Click here to learn more about Inspire's features and benefits. Questions about pricing? Contact our sales team here.