
Inspire Features

Inspire is the next generation inspection software for all portable probing and scanning devices. Inspire is a new software package that makes measurement simple and the complex possible. With one simple interface, Inspire works with any portable CMM arm or laser tracker for probing and scanning applications. Intuitive and easy to use, Inspire is a comprehensive solution that makes measurement simple, saves time, and ultimately improves productivity.


Use any Portable CMM Arm or laser tracker for probing and scanning applications with one simple interface. Adaptive measurement modes reduce the amount of software interaction so that you can spend more time measuring and less time navigating through software.




This software allows for traditional datum based alignments, feature-based, best fit, and reference point system that can be tailored to the needs of any application. All alignments are intuitive and powerful so you can easily get the alignment you need from small size parts to large area jobs.




Use Inspire not just for inspection but also for fixture setting and building applications.



Create comparisons between any type of objects to show deviations and optimize alignments for a virtual fit-up.



Full featured reporting is available in Inspire to present a basic tabular report and customized report images.



Scanning & Probing

Use discrete point probing data and scanned cloud data in virtually the same manner. Inspire software is designed to work with both types of data in the same way so that you don’t have to treat the data sets differently.




Inspire features real time meshing of scan data as well as the ability to produce and refine finished mesh surfaces.




Address ASME standard GD&T requirements with support for native CAD annotations.


Instrument Network

Inspire allows you to easily align and bundle your instrument network.



Advanced Scripting

Inspire software allows for complete automation control and customization through Python scripting.


CAD Import

Inspire includes the ability to import all native CAD formats.




Questions about pricing? Contact our sales team here.