
Inspire Supported Instruments

Inspire is the next generation inspection software for all portable probing and scanning devices. Intuitive and easy to use, Inspire software is a comprehensive solution that makes measurement simple, saves time, and ultimately improves productivity. With a single interface, Inspire supports a wide range of portable probing and scanning devices. New devices are regularly added to the list.

Supported Instruments:


Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

Portable CMM Arms

Absolute Arm 6-Axis
Absolute Arm 7-Axis
Absolute Arm Compact
ROMER Absolute Arm
ROMER Absolute Arm SI/SE

Laser Trackers

Leica Absolute Tracker AT901
Leica Absolute Tracker AT930/960
Leica Absolute Tracker AT-40X

Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600


AICON StereoScan neo

AICON SmartScan

AICON PrimeScan

Total Stations

Leica TDRA6000 Laser Station

Leica Nova MS60 MultiStation


Faro Technologies

Portable CMM Arms

Quantum S/M Arm 7dof

Quantum S/M Arm 6dof

Edge Arm

Fusion Arm

Platinum Arm 8ft 7dof

Platinum Arm 6ft 7dof

Quantum Arm

Laser Trackers

Vantage Laser Trackers

Ion Laser Tracker

X/Xi Series Laser Tracker


Automated Precision Incorporated (API)

Laser Trackers

OTII Laser Tracker

Radian Laser Tracker

Tracker3 Laser Tracker


Questions about Inspire software? Contact our sales team here.